How to ?
How to Fix No Drivers Found Error?
It may occur during the installation of a new operating system on the computer and the operating system installation files, which part of the files you choose to install during the installation, may experience no device driver errors while installing, although it is not permanent.
Manually installing the Intel Rapid Storage Technology (IRST) driver
- Download the Intel Rapid Storage Technology (IRST) driver . Download Link .
- After downloading the driver, right-click on the [V18.0.4.1146_IRST_VMD_20H1] compressed file ① and continue with [Extract Complete] .
- Select destination and click [Extract] .
- When the files are finished extracting, copy the created folder (V18.0.4.1146_IRST_VMD_20H1) to a USB stick.
If you are also installing Windows 10 from a USB stick, copy the entire folder to the USB stick you use as the Windows 10 installation media.
- Confirm that the following files are present in the folder when copying is complete.
Install Intel Rapid Storage Technology (IRST) driver
- Plug the USB memory containing the Windows 10 installation media and the Intel Rapid Storage Technology (IRST) driver (V18.0.4.1146_IRST_VMD_20H1 folder) into the computer where you will install Windows 10. (If you are using a DVD to install Windows 10, insert this DVD and the USB stick containing the above driver into the computer together).
- Start over with the Windows 10 installation.
- Where would you like to install Windows? screen, select [Install driver] if Windows cannot find drivers .
- Continue with [OK] .
- Click [OK] .
- Select [Browse] and select the folder named [V18.0.4.1146_IRST_VMD_20H1] and click [OK] .
- Select [Intel RST VMD Controller 9A08 (TGL) ] and then click [Next] to install the driver.
- When the driver installation is complete, your hard disk drives will be displayed normally.
During the installation of a new operating system on the computer, especially recently, we have shared the exact solution of the error that no driver was found in the installation of Windows 10 or Windows 11 on the 11th Generation Intel Tiger Lake laptops, as a Video Below.